Championing Best Practice and Driving Change

Inclusion and Diversity are core values, and we strive in our own organization to encourage and promote them. We know the challenges of being an inclusive workplace in different cultural contexts and understand that effective representation takes sustained commitment.

Driving Diversity

Driving Inclusion and Diversity across nuclear and regulated sectors

For clients we have a range of services to support internal processes and staff development to improve interviewing and selection. We also have experience in identifying and attracting talent from under-represented groups.

Thomas Thor plays an active role in funding and driving the dialogue about ED&I across nuclear and regulated sectors: Callum Thomas, CEO, co-founded Inclusion and Diversity in Nuclear (IDN) in 2019 and Thomas Thor provided support and funding in the early stages of the initiative before it became a fully independent not-for-profit organization in 2021.

Thomas Thor continues to support as an Industry Partner. More information about IDN can be accessed here www.idnuclear.com We also support the UK’s Nuclear skills and Strategy Group in their ED&I initiatives, as well as supporting other such initiatives across Europe and North America.

Inclusion and Diversity in Recruitment

Recruitment consultants play a huge role identifying, selecting, and presenting diverse candidates to our clients. The use of inclusive vocabulary in job advertisements and all communication is crucial.

Our consultants are trained to take their own unconscious bias into account and provide different solutions to hiring managers such as getting an anonymized long list of candidates or putting relocation help in place to increase the attraction to some projects.

Inclusion and Diversity

Help us grow and achieve your potential at a values-driven business.