Nuclear Human Resources Group Conference Highlights – Jupiter, Florida

The Nuclear Human Resources Group (NHRG) is an HR association that includes electric utilities in the US and Canada who manage and operate nuclear power facilities. The NHRG encompasses several working groups that share and exchange information in the areas of HR management, organizational effectiveness, employee relations, total rewards, knowledge management, leadership development and talent management.
We were present for the third time at NHRG: Callum Thomas and Marybeth Veale previously attended, but it was the first time for me and the first time for KeySource Thomas Thor as an organization. NextEra Energy hosted the event in Jupiter, Florida. The conference went on four days – the first two I spent in a working group dedicated to talent acquisition and the last two days encompassed more general HR topics focused on the nuclear industry. Two areas left a strong impression on me:
First, there were the many discussions about a need to move from a classical recruitment model – passively waiting until a client has a need…and then reacting – to a more consultative approach – becoming more involved and engaged with a client and proactively supporting their recruitment needs. Several examples included utilities decentralizing the recruiting functions to relocate and embed personnel at the plants and within their internal clients’ offices. The goal? Become more valuable by getting out of the home office and finding new ways to add value. Personally, it was nice to see the similarity between these utilities’ approach and several instances we – KeySource Thomas Thor – have done with our customers.
Secondly, there was a significant amount of emphasis on diversity – not only in a classical sense such as that based upon racial or gender, but also diversity in geographical regions, education at schools and colleges, sexual orientation, disability, military services/veterans, etc. And how to achieve diversity of thought in the work environment. This made me think about how do or can we, as a recruiting company, support our clients and the industry’s strong interest for diversity.
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