Three steps to becoming an entrepreneur

1st Step:

I’ve been in the nuclear industry for 14 years and went straight from university to being part of a graduate program for Sellafield.

As a chemical engineer, I worked on design and engineering projects for a number of companies, gradually getting into the nuclear supply chain.

2nd Step:

I moved from being strictly an engineer to business management and business strategy roles when I was working for a medium sized company, DBD limited. Working for a smaller company helped me to be involved in the whole business process and I became more interested in the business development and marketing aspects of growing a business.

There were two factors behind this move: the first one is that I was ready for it and able to take on different responsibilities, and the second one is that I was in an environment where I was encouraged and supported to follow that career path, something I am still grateful for.

3rd Step:

My new activities made me realise the very visible and direct impact my work had on business growth, which led me in turn to creating my own consulting company, MM Creative Solutions, in 2015.

When I graduated, I didn’t foresee myself at all as an entrepreneur, I think that seeing people with a similar background creating their own companies was definitely an inspiration. Having role models also made me realise that creating my own structure was feasible, and with the advent of digital technologies, accessible.

So, to summarize: proper management support, role models and of course a good network within the nuclear industry were all indispensable for this ongoing journey, together with the right mindset and of course, lots of work!

Monica Mwanje is the founder of MM Creative Solutions a UK based independent consultancy, to provide specialist services for the nuclear industry.

You can view her profile on Linkedin

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