Posts Tagged ‘French’
Adriènne Kelbie: A wildcard well played
Adriènne Kelbie was a wildcard from start to finish as chief executive of the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR). Leaning into this status helped her to drive harder for the “constructive tension” she uses to help others be their best. She is now starting a new chapter as she heads up Adriènne Kelbie Consulting Ltd, offering…
Read MoreAnthony Prod’homme – EFINOR UK
Anthony Prod’homme, you have been Managing Director for EFINOR UK for almost a year. Can we talk about EFINOR’s success story in the UK? For the moment, it is going well, and we chose the right options to position ourselves, but let’s wait at least two or three years to use these terms. How…
Read MoreBelgian Nuclear Industry – L’industrie nucléaire belge
What you need to know about the Belgian nuclear industry: Ce qu’il faut retenir de l’industrie nucléaire belge:
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